Ready to stop faffing and start conquering LinkedIn?

Your freelance career is the opportunity to work with clients you love, have flexibility, and enjoy your work rather than having the Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (you get the point) scaries.

Even if it doesn’t seem like it now, LinkedIn is the key to unlocking all of this – and I’m here to be your cheerleader every step of the way.

Give hesitation (and yourself) a kick up the arse

“I’ll start posting on LinkedIn another time…”


“Where do I even start?”


“LinkedIn just doesn’t work for me and my services!”


“I’ll start posting on LinkedIn another time…” 😵‍💫 “Where do I even start?” 🫥 “LinkedIn just doesn’t work for me and my services!” 🥴

Whether you’ve never used LinkedIn before, or you’ve tried but find yourself more frustrated than flourishing with it, you’re not alone.

The issue is that you know you need to do something about LinkedIn, but it’s the where, when, and how to start that’s the problem.

And I was in exactly the same place that you are right now, which is exactly why I’ve got everything you need to shift from dreading posting to being keen af to get started.

No bullshit, generic templates, hard sales, faff or fluff – I’m here to give you the advice from my own lessons and years of marketing expertise.

I’ll be your cheerleader (and occasional accountability partner) that’ll be here to help you to build a personal brand that converts.

More importantly, you’ll be unstuck for good.

Here’s what my clients say:

  • From beginning to end, the process was silky smooth and unbelievably easy...

    …particularly for me, as someone who does tend to put their own things on the backburner in favour of supporting clients instead.

    The questionnaire really did get me thinking on a deeper level about my services, audience, and the direction of my profile, which was great (when you’ve been freelancing a while, sometimes you’re just living the business more than you’re strategising it), and also guided the profile audit along.

    Grace Hall

  • Eve got me talking about why I felt nervous and resistant, and put all my fears into perspective.

    She reassured me about engaging, provided practical advice about how to comment constructively, and provided tips on how to use LinkedIn to get my profile in front of my ideal clients.

    She gave me some excellent pointers on how to improve my profile, so people or organisations looking for the services I provide could immediately see how I could help them. She also talked through some possible topics for me to post myself and explained why posting is so valuable.

    Rowan had an SOS Call

    Rowan Harris


  • Before working with Eve, my profile was pretty standard.

    We had a 2 hour workshop where we really dug in to the foundation of my business proposition, this was so worthwhile, it made my question each part of my business values and USP’s and helped me to get down on paper the ways I can bring value to my clients.

    Eve was extremely creative and patient as we went through tweaks and changes to the content, overall, I am so pleased with how all the copy and imagery landed. Then the 45 min implementation call was great, we got everything uploaded and I’m so happy with the end results.

    Harriet had a profile makeover, a service which is now included in my Personal Brand Kit.

    Harriet Cox
    Marketing Consultant

Let’s conquer your LinkedIn identity crisis.

You don’t know where, how, or when to start with LinkedIn.

In 30 minutes, we’ll talk all things LinkedIn, tackling the fears that are holding you back and figuring out the best service and support to get you in the game

Your freelance career is the best decision you’ve made yet

Toxic workplaces, burnout, bosses that bring you to tears…

A lot of us started freelancing to create the career we wish we’d had back when we were stuck in unfulfilling jobs.

You weren’t wrong to pursue freelancing, but when imposter syndrome comes knocking, it’s easy to find yourself answering the door rather than slamming it shut!

Having come from a history of toxic workplaces myself, I know how quickly the anxiety and lack of confidence can creep up when you start posting on LinkedIn.

I’m ready and waiting to help you feel confident putting your business out there in front of your ideal clients!

LinkedIn Profile Audit

Ready to jump in on your own but want a nudge in the right direction?

A profile audit has all the answers you need on why your profile isn’t converting, adding a sprinkle of clarity and dash of confidence – it’s the recipe for a LinkedIn profile you’re proud to show off.

The Personal Brand Kit

This is your lifeline for reeling in dream clients, making your personal brand worth shouting about from the rooftops, all with crystal clear clarity.

It’s your brand bible, LinkedIn profile makeover, and freelancing confidence boost in one package – we’re in this together, baby!

SOS Call

Sometimes you just need help, and you need it quickly, whether you’re having a panicked LinkedIn identity crisis (we’ve all been there) or want some concise advice!

You can ask me about personal branding, LinkedIn, freelancing, niching, my favourite TV show… Okay, maybe not the last one, but that could still come up organically.

Hey, I'm Eve

Hey, I'm Eve

Like a lot of other freelancers, my journey started after years of running the corporate hamster wheel from hell, juggling undiagnosed ADHD, toxic workplaces, and a lack of passion for the work I was doing.

I didn’t jump right into freelancing and nail my offering.

In fact, it felt like wading through mud to begin with… until I finally had that lightbulb moment that meant I was confident in what I was offering, who I was offering it to, and how I was going to do it.

And I’m here to help you do the same thing.

Never return to soul-sucking corporate again…

Your personal brand can convert your dream clients and align with your freelancing goals, and I’m here to help.

Did somebody say, ‘personal brand that’s like chicken soup for the soul’?