Content confusion holding you back?

Attract your ideal clients through content that works for you, make posting a breeze, and have accountability support every step of the way.

Do you ever feel like you don’t have time for marketing on LinkedIn?

Sometimes just getting a few posts ready to go can feel chaotic and uncomfortable.

You know that the people you want to work with are on LinkedIn, but how do you get them to engage and work with you?

There are posts that sell and posts that connect with people, there are comments and DMs to consider, and alongside all of that, there’s the fact that it all takes up time.

Well, I’m here to get you on track as your LinkedIn strategy and accountability partner!

Knowing where to start is the hardest part

Whether you’re one month or 10 years into your freelancing journey, figuring out how you ‘should’ be using LinkedIn is difficult.

From defining your ideal clients (and where to find them) to clarifying the themes you should use in your content to attract them, and all of the finnicky in-between bits, it can quickly become overwhelming.

The Strategy Kit is designed to be the framework for all of your LinkedIn content and how you approach it.

It’s all about getting that much needed clarity around who your target customers are, what they need to see from you, and how you can best approach them.

So, in short, it’s your one-stop-shop for converting your dream clients without having to spend hours scratching your head over what to post or how to post it!

Here’s what you’ll get:

Crystal clear clarity around your ideal clients and where to find them

Best practices on approaching clients in DMs and leaving comments

Ongoing accountability support that’s tailored to your needs

Confidence in the content you should be posting

The best structures and formatting to keep your content eye-catching

Here’s how you’ll get it

  • We’ll hop onto a quick call to get things going, outlining the agenda for the next few weeks.

    This is also when we’ll set the boundaries for the accountability support, including how often you’d like check-ins to keep things running smoothly.

    (P.S. – I’ll also set pre-kick off work around defining your persona, but it’s not as intimidating as it might sound, and I’ll be here to help every step of the way!)

  • This is where we’ll start deep diving into the good stuff, including defining who your ideal clients are, where to find them, and what they need to see from you on LinkedIn.

    We’ll also touch on your ideal client’s pain points and common issues so that you’ll have clear themes for your content, nd you’ll know how they best like to get in touch.

    At this stage, there’s also some homework to complete – wait, don’t run away! It’s just a little bit of market research and reviewing of previous projects that’ll give us some super valuable information for your strategy.

  • This is the stage that’ll conquer any posting paralysis you have, as we’ll be going over LinkedIn posting fundamentals!

    From the types of post you can use to the best structures, selling vs connecting through content, to utilising market research, you’ll get a plan to outline the coming weeks and months.

    Your homework for this week will be to practice writing a case study post (the kind of content that’ll get you leads!) and to start populating a calendar. Trust me, seeing a calendar fill up with ideas is both satisfying and a relief!

  • Now it’s time to conquer the engagement elements of LinkedIn, including how to approach your ideal clients in direct messages and leaving comments on other people’s posts.

    You’ll get a solid engagement strategy and also learn best practice for how to approach LinkedIn engagement as part of your wider marketing efforts.

    Yep, you guessed it – more homework! You’ll be actively engaging on LinkedIn and prioritising it as part of your regular schedule (personally, I think this is the most fun of all the homework tasks).

  • We’ll have established goals throughout the previous weeks in our calls, and I’ll be checking in as regularly as we agreed to support you and keep you on track!

    If you have any questions or want to discuss anything in more detail, this is the perfect time, as it’ll be right as you’re starting to execute these new strategies.

How much does it cost?

It’s the all-important question, right? Well you’ve got a couple of options for The Strategy Kit:

Upfront, in full

You’ll pay £599 upfront for the Strategy Kit which covers all of my best LinkedIn strategy advice, resources and more in one comprehensive package!

Priced separately, the cost would actually be over £750, so it’s kind of a bargain.

Spread the cost

Pay 50% when you book (£300) and 50% before the week 3, Content Workshop session (£299).

You’ll never encounter hidden fees here 🙅‍♀️

Let’s banish your content crisis!

I’ve been exactly where you are right now, and the exact tips and advice I’ll be giving you is the same advice that stopped me feeling like I was wading through mud every time I tried to post.

You’ve got so much value to offer your dream clients – now it’s time to show and tell them exactly what you can do for them.

And I’ll be here to help, hold you accountable, and be your cheerleader every step of the way!