Your Hour-Long Lifeline Call Is Waiting

Hello, operator? I have a LinkedIn emergency underway and need help ASAP…

Pick my brains

(rather than picking holes in your LinkedIn strategy)

Sometimes you just have that nagging question or thought that doesn’t require full service support, and sometimes you just want a quick brainstorm.

My SOS Calls are an easily accessible, hour-long strategy session that you can use to pick my brain about all things personal branding, niching, LinkedIn, and freelancing generally.

I’m here to be your LinkedIn North Star and help you navigate your way towards confidence, clarity, and peace of mind!

Just £99

Great news too, my SOS call is one of my most affordable services and yet, still JAM PACKED with ooodles of value for you, my lovely freelance friend

Kick your LinkedIn identity crisis to the kerb

If imposter syndrome is rearing its ugly head, an SOS Call is the perfect safe place for you to get all of the thoughts that have been plaguing you out.

Whether you’re uncertain about your presence on LinkedIn, posting, or just want some clarity on a few questions you have, I’ll guide you in the right direction.

We’re in this together.